Towards a “de-rightization” of Éric Ciotti, in the name of the survival of the Republicans?

Alexandre Chauveau

A week after his election as party leader, Éric Ciotti is settling into his role. The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes multiplies the appointments to try to reassure the elected LR, who fear his line very focused on immigration and security. The objective is clear: we must bring the party together.

Could Éric Ciotti finally get everyone to agree? The reconciliation operation began with the senators, supporters of Bruno Retailleau, during the campaign. Éric Ciotti thus spoke this week with his former competitor, then with Gérard Larcher to reassure them about their roles in the future governance of the party. The organization chart is the priority mission given to the new president of the party, elected last week. It should be unveiled in early January and give pride of place to Aurélien Pradié as well as the support of Bruno Retailleau. Elected officials not necessarily on his line, but whose appointments would illustrate his ability to work with everyone.

Many construction sites for the party

“I think he will surprise a lot of people. He is a good comrade”, confides a former candidate for the LR primary last year. Then will come the training sites for activists and executives, with the planned support of new think tanks. Éric Ciotti wants to start today to build the Republican project for 2027.

Finally, the last priority, the consolidation of the finances of the party, indebted to the tune of 12 million euros. According to information from Europe 1, Éric Ciotti instructed the treasurer to find a new headquarters, that of rue de Vaugirard being deemed austere, too big and too expensive.

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