Towards a federalist European Union? Nadine Morano believes that it “is not her Europe”

Solene Leroux
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11:19 a.m., May 15, 2022

For European LR MP Nadine Morano, transforming the European Union into a federation is “very serious because it calls into question the States in their sovereignty and in what can affect their vital interests”. She was the guest of the “Grand rendez-vous” Europe 1 / CNews / “Les Echos” this Sunday.

Towards a federalist Europe? For LR MEP Nadine Morano, this is “very clearly” the case, and “it is very serious because it calls into question the States in their sovereignty and in what can affect their vital interests”. The former minister was the guest of the big meeting Europe 1/CNews/The echoes this Sunday. She assured the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk that “it’s not [s]on Europe”.

“I will fight against it”

Nadine Morano was questioned on the fact that Emmanuel Macron, like Ursula von der Leyen, wishes to revise the European treaties and abandon the rule of unanimity of votes for “more efficiency” according to the two leaders. “We know very well that Emmanuel Macron is totally federalist and this is not my vision of Europe”, opposed the former minister. “I find it serious and I will fight against it.”

According to her, the European reform of the re-elected president “has little chance of succeeding because the countries do not want it”, while a dozen member states, including Denmark, Sweden and Bulgaria, s oppose it. And to add that each time “Emmanuel Macron makes proposals on transnational lists” about “qualified majority voting which could undermine the sovereignty of States and their vital interests, it’s a flop “.

Reform for a more efficient EU?

A modification of the treaties would not allow Europe to take decisions more quickly? “There is no doubt a mode of governance which should make it possible to speed up certain things”, concedes the MEP, “but which ones?”, She wonders.

In the European Parliament, Nadine Morano works on immigration issues, and in particular on the “overhaul of the return directive”, which aims to regulate the return to their country of origin of any person in an irregular situation on European soil. According to the former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy, “as much as the text of the Commission is rather good at the start, there are amendments which pass which will go against what we would like”.

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