Towards a GeForce RTX 4090 twice as powerful as the RTX 3090?



Hardware and Gaming Specialist

May 17, 2022 at 1:15 p.m.


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4000 pseudo render © TechPowerUp

© TechPowerUp

A new generation of graphics cards signed NVIDIA which could well arrive in the heart of the summer.

Rumors follow one another and are not alike around the GeForce RTX 4090 which should be the spearhead of NVIDIA’s future “Ada Lovelace” range.

No less than 16,128 CUDA cores

Relayed by our colleagues from VideoCardz, the latest indiscretions from kopite7kimi revise down some of the specifications of the future graphics card. For example, it is no longer a question of “only” 126 stream processors, against 140/142 according to previous rumors.

In fact, the number of CUDA cores is also revised downwards, to 16,128 for this RTX 4090 which, as a result, would consume less energy. It is about 450 W, while previous information mentioned no less than 600 W.

Kopite7kimi concludes by pointing out that the RTX 4090 would be about twice as powerful as an RTX 3090. A real monster in preparation, therefore, and which could land in mid-July, according to a final tweet… even if, of course, nothing None of this has been confirmed by NVIDIA.

On the same subject :
The GeForce RTX 4090 could be the first graphics card to exceed 100 TFLOPS

Source : VideoCardz


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