towards a modulation of the rules according to the economic situation

The executive says he wants ” go further “ on the transformation of unemployment insurance but where exactly? Friday July 22, Olivier Dussopt provided the beginning of an answer, without removing all the unknowns. During a trip to Nice devoted to “recruitment tension”the Minister of Labor confirmed that the compensation system for job seekers would soon evolve, by providing some details on an announcement made on July 14 by Emmanuel Macron.

Mr. Dussopt mentioned a paradox that is fueling growing discontent among employers: on the one hand, job offers that do not find takers; on the other, a relatively high unemployment rate, at 7.3%. This “is not acceptable”, said the minister on Friday. This is why he intends to operate several “levers”including the device that allows the unemployed to receive an allowance.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Job seekers must face tougher penalties: radiation, loss of allowances, etc.

Implemented under the previous legislature, the current rules, which had the effect of tightening the conditions for compensation and which were to expire on October 31, will be extended, said Mr. Dussopt, adding: “We are even going [les] to reinforce. » He cited the example of Canada where the provisions are stricter when the labor market is good “and more protective when there are economic difficulties”. His remarks follow on from a campaign promise made by Mr. Macron.

Also read the column: Article reserved for our subscribers Unemployment insurance: “An ineffective, unfair and punitive reform”

Incomprehension and anger of the unions

At Matignon, it is specified that“there will be a text in September to extend” the measures in force. In parallel will be launched “a consultation on governance” of the scheme, i.e. on the respective role of the social partners and the State. Then another “consultation” will start about “new compensation rules within the governance framework that will have been decided”.

Such an approach gives satisfaction to François Asselin, the president of the Confederation of small and medium-sized enterprises, because it corresponds to an idea defended by his organization. The unions, on the other hand, oscillate between incomprehension and anger. Cyril Chabanier, the president of the CFTC, says he was surprised because Mr. Dussopt had expressed his intention to assess the impact of the measures introduced under Mr. Macron’s first five-year term, which could suggest that no change will occur. would intervene as long as the results of this impact study are not known.

Confederal Secretary of FO, Michel Beaugas considers that the initiative of the government “returns to trampling on the procedure defined by the texts since it is up to the social partners to negotiate the parameters of the scheme, within the framework of a guidance document transmitted by Matignon”. “It is as if the power in place were trying to reduce, even more, the role of the unions and the employers in the management of the system”he laments.

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