towards a significant increase in the minimum amount?

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Emmanuel Macron had promised an increase in the minimum amount of pensions to 1,100 euros, but the Government plans to go further.

The third round of negotiations between the Government and the social partners on the thorny issue of pensions should begin at the end of December. The executive plans an increase in the minimum retirement age at age 64 or 65. In return, it promises a return to balance in the system, but also an improvement in the level of pensions. In an interview with echoesthe Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt thus mentioned an increase in the minimum amount.

Emmanuel Macron had indeed promised during the presidential campaign to “pass the minimum contributory pension, which today is from 980 euros, to 1,100 euros “. This term does not refer to an existing allowance, but rather the average of the pensions received by those who have worked all their lives at the minimum wage. It must therefore be differentiated from the “minimum old age” which is currently set at 953 euros. Olivier Dussopt thus defended “the need to have a sufficient gap between this minimum and the minimum pension, in order to value work”.

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A minimum pension aligned with inflation

The increase could be even greater. Indeed, since the presidential election, prices have risen sharply. “In view of inflation and the revaluation of the Smic, we intend to go beyond 1,100 euros. What we are carrying is in fact a minimum pension for a full career around 85% of the net minimum wage, ”detailed the minister. The current amount of the net Smic being 1,329 euros per month, that of the pensions could pass at 1,129 euro. However, this would only apply to people who have contributed all their life.

This gesture towards the social partners may not, however, be enough to calm their criticisms of this bill. To finance the reform, some are also proposing to involve the wealthiest retirees. But “it is a debate that we have not opened and that we do not wish to open”, decided Olivier Dussopt.

Victor Lefebvre

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