Trachtenmusi Eugendorf – Big festival for the 150th anniversary

The traditional music band from Eugendorf is looking forward to their big anniversary celebration from May 20th to 22nd. All Flachgau chapels are included.

Two years with only a few performances and hardly any highlights due to the corona pandemic also caused problems for the traditional music band Eugendorf. That will change in the coming week. There will be a three-day folk festival from May 20th to 22nd to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the municipality. All traditional bands from the Flachgau will be present at the parades. On Saturday there are a total of 30 who will make music together on the market square – that’s around 1200 musicians at once. The road to the festival was certainly not easy for the club due to the pandemic. “The date was fixed four years ago and last September, just as the next corona wave started, we had to decide whether we should hold the event this year or not,” reports Chairman Andreas Rameder. It is very happy that they decided to do it: “The courage will be rewarded.” The musicians receive great support from the other clubs in the village and also from the community.
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