Traffic controls – police draw positive conclusions after carnival season

At the height of the carnival days, the Tyrolean police caught fewer alcohol and drug drivers this year than last year. What’s particularly pleasing is that intoxicants didn’t cause any injuries in traffic this carnival.

A total of 98 alcohol and drug drivers were caught by officers during checks between Nonsense Thursday and Shrove Tuesday. Last year there were 142. The announcement that there would be more controls this year has apparently paid off. 64 driving licenses have now been lost. The officials carried out 6,770 alcohol tests during carnival week. It turned out that 72 drivers were drunk, 42 ​​of them had a blood alcohol level of more than 0.8. 26 other drivers were under the influence of drugs. All those caught were banned from continuing their journey and a report was filed. 64 impaired drivers had to hand in their driving licenses on the spot. Enrico Leitgeb, the deputy head of the Tyrol regional transport department, sees the executive branch as being well-equipped not only when it comes to alcohol, but also when it comes to drugs: “We have specially trained colleagues who recognize drug abuse.” Suspected cases are then investigated using urine and saliva tests or followed up with the help of a medical officer. “All common types of drugs can be identified.” There were no accidents with injuries. What is particularly pleasing for the police is that there were no serious accidents this year. In fact, not a single accident under the influence of alcohol or drugs was recorded in which anyone was injured.
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