Traffic jams inevitable: It gets crowded on these freeways over the long weekend

Bridge day: traffic jams are inevitable: it gets crowded on these freeways over the long weekend

Many people in Germany travel on long weekends. You should therefore plan more time for the outward and return journey and have strong nerves. The ADAC gives forecasts for certain motorways that will be crowded this week.

Lots of traffic and traffic jams – everyone who wants to use the Autobahn between Wednesday (May 25) and Sunday (May 29) has to be prepared for this. The Auto Club Europa (ACE) and the ADAC draw attention to this.

Many combine the nationwide holiday (Ascension Day) on Thursday with a bridging day on Friday to create a long weekend. In some federal states, there is also a school-free Friday, and in Hamburg and Saxony-Anhalt the one-week vacation ends.

It starts as early as Wednesday

The car clubs are already assuming that there will be a lot of traffic nationwide on Wednesday afternoon until the evening hours. This applies to routes around the metropolitan areas and on the trunk roads to the south and to the coasts of the North and Baltic Seas. On Thursday, also known as Father’s Day in some places, there should only be “moderate traffic” on the trunk roads, according to the ACE.

Friday is also more travel-friendly on the motorways. According to the ADAC, there are currently more than 1000 construction sites, but there is always a chance of losing time.

This also applies to a greater extent on Saturday, when a higher volume of travel is expected again. The clubs expect another peak in terms of traffic jams in the course of the return journey on the motorways on Sunday afternoon. These are joined by nice weather many day trippers on the side routes.

Things get tight on these freeways

The car clubs consider traffic jams and delays to be possible, especially in the metropolitan areas of Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich and on the following routes in both directions:

a 1Cologne – Dortmund – Bremen – Hamburg – Lübeck
A 2Berlin – Hanover – Dortmund
A 3Oberhausen – Cologne – Frankfurt/Main – Würzburg – Nuremberg
A 4Kirchheim triangle – Erfurt – Chemnitz – Dresden
A 5Hattenbacher Dreieck – Darmstadt – Karlsruhe
A 6Mannheim – Heilbronn – Nuremberg
A 7Flensburg – Hamburg – Hanover and Würzburg – Ulm – Füssen/Reutte
A 8Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – Munich – Salzburg
A 9Nuremberg – Munich
a 10Berlin Ring
A 61Mönchengladbach – Koblenz – Ludwigshafen
A 81Heilbronn – Stuttgart – Singing
A 93Rosenheim-Kiefersfelden
A95Munich – Garmisch-Partenkirchen
A 96Kreuz Memmingen
A 99Bypass Munich

The traffic situation in Switzerland and Austria is likely to take a similar course to that in Germany. The Tauern, Fernpass, Brenner, Rheintal and Gotthard routes are at risk of congestion. According to ACE, traffic jams in front of the Gotthard tunnel can already occur on the latter from Wednesday afternoon.

It also gets tight at access roads in leisure regions. The ADAC in Austria cites the Carinthian lakes, the Salzkammergut and Lake Neusiedl as examples. For Switzerland, the recreational areas of the cantons of Ticino and Valais are mentioned.

Some Alpine passes are currently still closed

Anyone planning an Alpine road tour should be aware that some passes are currently still closed. The last passes will be released in June. Random checks cannot be ruled out for border traffic. However, due to the easing of entry regulations in many countries, things are progressing much faster than they were a few weeks ago, according to the ADAC.

How long you currently have to wait when returning from Austria to Germany can be seen online at the Austrian infrastructure company Asfinag.

Travelers should inform themselves about the applicable corona rules. Information on the current requirements inside and outside of Germany is available from ACE and ADAC as well as from the Federal Foreign Office.

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