Traffic jams on the A10 – State of Salzburg tightens exit closures

Kilometers of traffic jams on and around the Tauern Autobahn! Drivers needed a lot of patience this weekend – stricter rules will apply to the A10 exit barriers in the future. . .

It turned out as bad as feared! The change in holidaymakers in the ski areas led to long traffic jams on Salzburg’s roads at the weekend. Once again in focus: The tunnel construction site on the Tauernautobahn (A10) between Golling andwerfen. But there were hours of delays not only on the A10 – there were also hours of delays on the countless alternative routes through the neighboring communities in Tennengau and Pongau. Holiday cars squeezed through even the narrowest municipal streets. In many places nothing worked anymore. In Hallein, countless drivers on Riedlweg ignored the driving ban that recently came into force. The state of Salzburg and the road operator Asfinag are trying to counter traffic jams with so far rather toothless exit blocks from the motorway. The pace is now being tightened: starting next Saturday, the barriers will be defined with radii. This means that there is a clear boundary for every motorway exit that defines a destination area. From Hallein, cars are only allowed to drive to destinations around 16 kilometers away. In Kuchl this radius is only eight kilometers. Other parameters will apply to Golling – in order to ensure appropriate accessibility to destinations such as Annaberg or Gosau. Why is the country only now changing the rules? “The authorities have not yet given the green light for implementation,” says State Councilor Stefan Schnöll (ÖVP).
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