Tragedy in Upper Austria – Fallen mountaineer lay on the mountain for a day

He was well equipped, knew the mountain – and yet a local fell on the Katrin in Bad Ischl. But the accident went unnoticed for a long time, and it was only one day later that other alpinists found the victim by chance. By then, any help had already come too late.

A 56-year-old from Bad Ischl wanted to climb the Katrin via ferrata in the municipality of Bad Ischl on Saturday at around 3 p.m. He already knew the via ferrata from a previous ascent and was adequately equipped for the alpine undertaking.Dangerous point proved fatalThe approach to the via ferrata requires surefootedness and the 56-year-old probably lost his footing or balance at an exposed point, which is additionally secured with a fixed rope, and fell about 50 meters through steep and rocky forest terrain.He sustained fatal injuries and was only discovered by chance on Sunday at around 1:15 p.m. by alpinists passing by above.
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