train tickets payable in installments very soon


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The SNCF plans to set up a payment system in installments for its train tickets.

The SNCF takes the lead. This summer, the high prices of its train tickets have caused a lot of ink to flow. To cope with criticism, the French company decided to set up a payment system for tickets in installments, as Le Parisien reports. This method would aim to “facilitate access for all to train travel, including through means of payment”, as Christophe Fanichet, CEO of SNCF Voyageurs, points out. It is therefore a good news for train travel enthusiasts for whom the financial aspect is a real obstacle.

“From the 20th of each month, the first reason for refusal of payment is insufficient funds” explains the same source to the French media. “Payment in installments would, for example, allow these customers to still be able to buy their tickets” specifies SNCF Voyageurs. It will still be necessary to wait a little longer before being able to take advantage of this new service. Indeed, split payment is provided for the “mid-2023 maximum” promises the SNCF. To note that it will only be available for online payment. And watch outnot all routes may be eligible.

Train travel is popular

This novelty announced by the SNCF could make life easier for many travelers. But only commands for travel by TGV, Ouigo and Intercités can be paid in several installments. “This will be offered for larger order amounts, for example when booking for a family or a group” specifies SNCF Voyageurs. According to Le Parisien, the SNCF has not yet chosen the financial company which will be responsible for setting up the split payment. This decision should be taken at the start of the school year, at the beginning of September, and will be followed by a period of exclusive negotiations. Finally, the rail company will be able to launch a test phase for its new payment method. In 2022, 15% of French people have opted for the train to go on vacation. Against 22% who chose the plane and 68% their personal car. This summer SNCF sold more than 22 million tickets! Many opt for this option in order to escape the endless traffic jams of departures on vacation. Faced with this success, the company even announced the purchase of 15 new TGVs. If you are traveling alone, the train is cheaper. While for group travel, the car can sometimes be a better option.

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