Transfer of waste from Greater Paris near Rouen: complaints from residents for forgery in writing

Nearly three months after the decision of the prefect of Seine-Maritime to authorize the storage near Rouen of 400,000 m3 of waste from the work of Greater Paris, several residents have filed a complaint for “false in writing“Against the company carrying the project, we learned Monday from an association of opponents. “At this time, six inhabitants of Bardouville, and mainly members of the association, have filed a complaint for the use of false writing by a legal person against the Environment and Minerals Company (SEM)“, told an AFP correspondent Nathalie Haubert, of the association “Feet in the water, Bardouville in danger“.

According to the association, these complaints for “use of forgery in writing by a legal person“were filed last week in the gendarmerie and target the SEM for the”writing false data and their use in a report written for the operation of an ISDI (inert waste storage facility)“. “We realized that there is false altimetry data indicated in the project sent to the prefecture which prompted the Dreal services (regional directorate for the environment, planning and housing) to consider that there was no pollution in the groundwater since there would be a water filtering system due to the height of the town“, argued the association manager. According to Ms. Haubert, “the project developer also omitted to report the presence of a drinking water catchment within the project perimeter“. The project, disputed locally for months, consists of storing, in an old quarry abandoned since 1992 and located in the town of Mauny, 383,500 tonnes of inert waste from construction sites in Ile-de-France.

This waste will be transported by barge on the Seine, before being transported by truck to the selected site in Mauny, a town belonging to the Regional Natural Park of Boucles de la Seine, located on the edge of the Rouen Metropolis which it wishes to integrate. At the beginning of April, the president of the metropolis of Rouen, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (PS), as well as other elected officials, had sent a letter to the prefect in which they expressed a “unfavorable opinionto such a project. The elected officials also recalled thatthe Boucles de la Seine natural park issued a similar opinion“. “Other complaints will follow. We hope to have around 15 by next week.“, added Ms. Haubert, stressing that an appeal will be filed next week before the administrative court to counter the prefectural decree.

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