Trap: 800,000 admissions for the summer thriller, an unprecedented and intense scene is to be seen online!


A deleted scene from M. Night Shyamalan’s latest thriller “Trap” has been released, revealing an even more terrifying side to Josh Hartnett’s character Cooper… Here are the images.

M. Night Shyamalan is known for leaving his audience in disbelief at the end of his shocking and thrilling films. His latest feature, Trap, starring Josh Hartnett, is just as evil as his previous works while being just as complex, leaving the audience terrified but also feeling empathy for the killer portrayed.

In the psychological thriller, Josh Hartnett plays Cooper, a serial killer known as the Butcher. And while he may at first seem like a loving father accompanying his daughter (Ariel Donoghue) to a concert, we soon see his true colors as the actor effortlessly slips into his character’s morbid personality. Shot almost entirely from the killer’s point of view, Trapas its name suggests, ultimately “traps” its audience into supporting the murderer.

However, a deleted scene from the film, itself filled with blood-curdling moments, has recently resurfaced, a scene in which we see a side of Cooper that is as disturbing as it is unforgettable.

In the sequence in question, Cooper is spotted by Dr. Josephine Grant (Hayley Mills), an FBI profiler outside the concert venue. Pursued by the FBI, he randomly grabs a female spectator and puts a knife to her throat. While he ultimately leaves her unharmed and runs into a store, he ends up killing one of the employees with the most brutal force.

Check out the deleted scene below:

A decision that makes sense

Showing just how ruthless the character can be, Shyamalan ultimately decided not to include this scene in the final cut – a decision supported by many fans online who feel that it wouldn’t have made much sense for the Butcher to reveal himself in such a public sphere. Indeed, if M. Night Shyamalan had presented the scene, it would have removed the mysterious character of the character by revealing him in broad daylight, surrounded by many witnesses.

Blinding Edge

Despite the execution and merit of the scene, which highlights the terrifying performance of Josh Hartnettmany therefore agree that the director made the right choice in not including him in the film. His exclusion thus helps to preserve the tension of the film and therefore lets the audience imagine the full extent of the horror that Cooper can engender.

Trap, which has accumulated nearly 800,000 admissions in France since its release on August 7, is still showing at your nearest movie theater.


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