Travel countries in the check: How abroad equips itself for tourists

The border openings targeted for the coming weeks inspire hope that, contrary to expectations, the summer holidays can also be spent abroad. Some countries are already preparing for it, others still have to overcome high hurdles. The status quo in the holiday countries.

1. Austria

The relief is great in the Alpine republic, the border crossings from Germany have been open again since Friday. Many vacationers had already booked their summer stay in the land of mountains and lakes before the Corona crisis. There are many indications that they can now travel there.

The Germans are by far the most important group of guests. You encounter a country with currently extremely low infection numbers. Important tourist facilities such as museums, mountain railways and amusement parks are also expected to reopen in the next few weeks. As of Friday, this also includes Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, which was once inhabited by Empress Sisi. However, visitors must wear mouth-nose protection.

The culture scene still hangs in the air. Theaters, concerts and festivals are not yet sure whether, when and under what conditions they can play in front of an audience again.

2. Switzerland

The same applies to Switzerland, albeit with a slight delay. All border crossing points are to be opened by June 15th at the latest. Vacation trips should then also be possible again, hotels and restaurants are often open again.

3. Italy

Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has given his own compatriots hope for a summer vacation on the beach. But whether and when tourists from abroad can go back to Italy is still in the stars.

South Tyrol has already rushed ahead and will open hotels again at the end of May – and courting German tourists. In the meantime, the country gets lost in sometimes absurd discussions about distance rules on the beach, in the sea and for children digging in the sand. Lido operators are up in arms against suggestions that rows of parasols must be up to five meters apart or that sun beds should be disinfected after every change. Access should only be given with bookings in advance.

At the moment, however, this is still a long way off: even the Italians are not yet allowed to travel from one region to another, so it is questionable whether an Italian vacation will still be possible for Germans in the summer. So far there are no specific dates for easing.

4. Spain

Any plans for Spain in summer 2020 are still shaky for international holiday guests. So far the limits have been closed. Even the Spaniards are still prohibited from traveling to other regions of their country. In addition, from May 15th, foreign visitors to Spain must be quarantined for two weeks.

The measure should apply until the corona alarm condition ends. However, there are gradual easing, even if it is not yet clear what that means for tourism.

At least in parts of the country, the hotels were allowed to reopen under strict conditions. "The impact of Covid-19 on tourism is simply brutal," commented the newspaper "El Periódico". But at least: From June, Lufthansa and its subsidiary Eurowings want to send vacationer jets back to the Balearic island of Mallorca, which is less affected by the virus.

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5. Greece

Athens wants to allow all movements within the country from May 18. Tourism should start again from July 1st – also for foreign tourists.

In the holiday resorts by the sea, the loungers and parasols by the pool or on the beach should be about three to five meters apart. There is great debate as to whether meals should be served buffet style or at the table. So that the virus does not spread, the beds in the rooms should not be made daily.

Tourism is extremely important for the country that had left its great economic crisis behind. Most recently, 33 million tourists came in the year. The industry anticipated sales of more than 22 billion euros in 2020. Now it should not be more than two billion euros. Around 65 percent of hoteliers fear that they will not open this summer.

6. France

For two months, the French were only allowed to see their often beautiful beaches from a distance. With the loosening of the exit restrictions, that changes now. Regional authorities decide which beaches on the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the North Sea reopen. Several beaches for swimming and fishing have already opened on the Atlantic coast; others in the north and south of the country are to follow.

There is still a travel ban for the Mediterranean island of Corsica. No tourists are welcome there for the time being. Cafes and restaurants could reopen in regions where the virus is less common from June 2. The government hopes that summer vacations for the French in the country will be possible from July, so far there is no fixed date for foreign travelers.

Even with sights such as the Eiffel Tower, it is unclear when tourists can visit it again. Large museums like the Louvre in Paris are unlikely to open their doors until September. Smaller museums can again receive visitors.

7. Turkey

Turkey is gradually loosening the corona measures and preparing for an opening to tourism. In the meantime, only travel restrictions apply to 15 instead of 31 cities and provinces as before. The country plans to begin domestic travel at the end of May, and hopes to attract international holidaymakers in June.

Strict corona requirements should apply to hotels and restaurants. Distance and hygiene rules must be observed, for example, and the staff should receive pandemic training. Turkey has developed a certification program for this. After opening for international flights, corona tests are to be carried out at the border crossings, for example at Antalya Airport. The semi-state airline Turkish Airlines recently extended its flight stop until May 28th.

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8. Croatia

The country, heavily dependent on tourism, on the Adriatic Sea with its long, bay-rich coast and the many islands forcefully urges an opening of the European borders. Relaxed entry requirements have been in effect since May 9. According to this, foreigners with three reasons can cross the border without a corona test and without quarantine requirements: if they own a property or a boat in Croatia, if they travel to a funeral or if they have an invitation from a company and they arrive at their entry there is economic interest.

An informal directive from the Ministry of the Interior states that the last provision also applies to vacationers who have booked accommodation in Croatia. The authorities are also working on new rules to prevent large crowds of people on the beaches. It is therefore relatively likely that vacation in Croatia will be possible in summer.

9. Netherlands

The Holland vacation will probably also be possible again. Bungalow parks are already gradually opening their gates and apartments are being rented out again. From July 1st, all campsites and holiday parks should be fully reopened.

So far, this was only limited. For example, showers and toilets on campsites had to remain closed. The sanitary facilities will also reopen on July 1st on beaches and in nature parks. Museums can again receive visitors from June 1st – provided they register online beforehand. Restaurants, cafes, beach pavilions and pubs can each serve a maximum of 30 guests. From July up to 100 guests are allowed.

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10. Denmark

Denmark has not yet decided when to open its borders to Germany, Sweden and Norway. It had been agreed that the government would announce border news by June 1, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said on Thursday evening upon arrival for a TV debate with the leaders of other Danish parliamentary parties. That will be adhered to. However, it is likely that German holidaymakers can go on holiday in Denmark again afterwards.

11. Poland

The country will maintain controls on borders with other EU countries until at least June 12. Foreigners are not allowed in, vacation with the neighbors will in any case fall flat. So far, only exceptions apply to people with permanent residence permits, truck drivers and diplomats.

Hotels and shopping centers have reopened on May 4th. In a further step to end the lockdown, restaurants and cafes may reopen from next Monday (May 18th). However, there must be a minimum distance of two meters between the tables. Cooks and cellars are also obliged to wear mouth-nose protection.


It is also unclear when normality will return to popular holiday resorts such as Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh. Hotels are now allowed to reopen for local vacationers with 25 percent occupancy and from June 1st with 50 percent occupancy.

Among other things, hotels have to provide disinfectants at the entrance and disinfect guests' luggage on arrival and departure. When the borders open again, airports should also ensure that travelers can keep a minimum distance from each other. Experts estimate that the Egyptian tourism industry is losing $ 1 billion a month from the pandemic.

13. Tunisia

Tunisia is also heavily dependent on international tourism, so hoteliers want to start operating again as soon as possible. No official dates or commitments as to when trips to Tunisia will be possible again have been received so far.

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