Travel faux pas: These 5 mistakes at the airport will cost you money

Saving tips
5 airport mistakes that will cost you money – and how to avoid them

© DimaBerlin / Shutterstock

Airports are expensive – and can eat up a chunk of your budget before your vacation even begins. Five tips to save you money.

We know that it is not so smart to You have to change a lot of money at the airport – the exchange rates are always the worst there. But what other cost traps are there at the airport and how do we avoid them?

These mistakes at the airport cost you money

1. Take a taxi to the airport

Of course it’s the most convenient, but it’s also the most expensive: taking a taxi to the airport. It is much cheaper to take the airport shuttle or public transport. Extra bonus: It’s better for the environment too.

2. Park at the airport

Parking at the airport is also convenient, but can be more expensive than the plane ticket. Parking fees at the airport are high, even though the car is often relatively unprotected. In Düsseldorf, for example, parking for a week can cost 266 euros. Perhaps the park and fly options offered by some hotels are something for you: you can sleep the night before your flight, take the shuttle to the airport and leave your car cheaply in the hotel’s underground car park (e.g.

3. Forget your water bottle and snacks

It seems like a small thing, but it pays off: if you take a drinking bottle with you, you save more than a few euros. As we know, we are not allowed through security with a full bottle. Means: We have to stock up on expensive drinks at the gate or on board. You can fill your own bottle at water dispensers or at the tap in the toilet. The same applies here: it’s not just your wallet that’s happy, the environment is also happy. Also buy snacks for the trip before driving to the airport!

4. Not allowing enough time

The queues at check-in and security can be long and slow, we all know that. What many people don’t know: It’s not uncommon for travelers to miss their flight because of this. And that is not only very annoying, but also very expensive. So be sure to allow enough time to complete all procedures at the airport before boarding.

5. Packing too much

If it only turns out when you check in your baggage that you have excess baggage, it will be expensive – every kilo costs. Therefore, when packing your suitcase, be sure to check how many kilos of luggage are allowed with your ticket. You can use your body scale at home to check whether you are exceeding the limit.


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