Travel hack: Not for decoration! That’s what the bed scarf is really for in the hotel

Travel Hack
Not for decoration! That’s what the bed scarf is really for in the hotel

The video reveals the secret of the mysterious piece of fabric on the hotel bed.

Have you ever wondered what the artfully draped scarf at the foot of your hotel bed is for? The truth could change your next hotel experience.

If you are a frequent guest in a hotel room, you have probably noticed this narrow, usually color-coordinated strip of fabric that appears to be located at the foot of the bed purely by chance. For many guests, this decorative accessory seems to be of no importance, so it is often removed and put aside immediately upon arrival. But you should not do this in the future.

The true function of the bed scarf

It may come as a surprise, but this decorative textile has a specific function within the hotel room – one that goes beyond purely decorative purposes. Find out exactly what this piece of fabric is all about in the video.

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