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Every year, 150,000 people have a stroke (cerebrovascular accident) in France. It is a dysfunction of an area of ​​the brain linked to a vascular problem. It can be ischemic and therefore linked to the lack of oxygen in a region of the brain which is no longer irrigated by its artery, or hemorrhagic, resulting in bleeding inside the brain tissue. If a person has a stroke, it is necessary to act quickly because the smallest second can be decisive. For this, it is better to know the symptoms which make it possible to detect the cerebrovascular accident and which then push you to go to the emergency room or call 15.

The symptoms of stroke are the same in men and in women, they appear suddenly and brutally: a language disorder, a sight disorder in one or both eyes, a motor deficit which can touching the face (facial paralysis) or the upper or lower limbs, sensory disturbances, loss of sensitivity to touch, hot or cold, sudden dizziness, proprioception disorder, loss of balance, incapacity to walk or coordinate its limbs. When the person has a hemorrhagic stroke, they may also have a very intense sharp and sudden headache.

Women more affected by stroke than men

Women are indeed more likely to be affected by a stroke. They are subject to the same risk factors as men, namely smoking, hypertension, diabetes, overweight, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol consumption, etc. But to this are added risk factors of their own, such as taking the contraceptive pill associated with smoking in young women, pregnancy, menopause. Women are also more susceptible than men to certain risk factors. Thus, according to figures from the Foundation for Cardiovascular Research, a woman with atrial fibrillation sees her risk of having a stroke doubled compared to a man. Pregnancy-associated hypertension, as well as type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes, also increase the risk in women.

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