Travel the Dragon Islands in Dragonflight

As with every new expansion of World of Warcraft, adventurers will be able to explore new land. For Dragonflight, it is the Dragon Islands, ancestral home of the Dragonflights, which are revealed. There are no less than 5 regions that we can walk on when they leave, including one reserved for the new race: the Dracthyrs. But the other four will be more than enough to deepen the story of the Aspects.

The Forbidden Reaches, birthplace of the Dracthyrs

As with Death Knights and Demon Hunters, Dracthyrs are entitled to their own starting area at, Dragonflight. Located off the Dragon Isles, the Forbidden Reaches were shaped by Neltharion the Earthkeeper. They served as a training ground for his soldiers, until a battle put him to sleep. Abandoned until then, the return of a formidable enemy pushes the Dracthyrs to awaken.

The Forbidden Borders

Four new areas with pronounced verticality

With the opening of the Dragon Islands, a new way of getting around appears. It is now possible to ride a fully customizable dragon to roam these lands. Endowed with unique flight skills, the verticality of these islands makes it possible to take advantage of the extent of its movements. Just like for shadowlandsthe overall route is determined by the level of each zone, but progression within them is free.

Adventurers will be able to enter the shores of Awakening to aid Alexstrasza and the Red Dragonflight. But Wrathion also needs help in these lands to recover the Black Dragonflight Ccitadel. The Plains of Ohn’ahra will reveal the future of the Green Dragonflight now that Ysera is no more. In the Azure Span, the Blue Dragonflight awaits you, while Nozdormu and his Flight wait in Thaldraszus.

The Shores of Awakening
The Azure span
Plains of Ohn’ahra

Once these areas have been covered, Dragonflight can finally begin by revealing its late game. But many other aspects of the expansion are yet to be discovered, whether in PvE or PvP.

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