Traveling to Marseille, Gérald Darmanin defends his safety record

Stéphane Burgatt // Credits: NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP

Gérald Darmanin went this Wednesday to Marseille where the settling of scores between rival gangs under the backdrop of drug trafficking left 49 dead in 2023. The Minister of the Interior held meetings all day long. He also inaugurated the new republican security company, CRS 81, and tried to defend its security record.

Gérald Darmanin on the ground in Marseille. The Minister of the Interior was visiting this Wednesday in the Marseille city where he held meetings all day long. In the middle of these interviews, the tenant of Place Beauvau also inaugurated the new republican security company: CRS 81. The opportunity for Gérald Darmanin to defend his security record. To do this, the “first cop in France” relied on the 74 arrests in the two main clans which are bloodying the city or on the 21 million euros of criminal assets which were seized.

Another flattering statistic for the police, the dismantling of at least 40% of deal points throughout the Marseille city in the space of two years. Unfortunately for the minister, the disappearance of traffic on public roads is not necessarily synonymous with the total elimination of traffic which takes other characteristics. “The other forms are what we commonly call ‘Uber shit’, delivery people who bring their doses to people. We will now systematically control the people who deliver,” announces Gérald Darmanin.

An increasing trend in deliveries

Today, it remains complicated to make an estimate, but the trend in deliveries is very real and is growing, according to law enforcement. “Since Covid, it was easier to go to customers’ homes, and today customers are more careful and therefore they travel less,” Bruno Bartocetti of the SGP Police Unit union explains to Europe 1. Gérald Darmanin also announced a strengthening of controls on the internet. A difficult task, because orders are placed via encrypted messaging services like Telegram.

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