Can you treat corns yourself or do you have to go to a doctor? Here you will learn everything you should know about corns.
What is a corn-eye?
A corn-eye is a cornification of the skin. A corneal cone penetrates deep into the skin and can cause pain – mostly the soles or sides of the feet are affected. The reason for this is pressure or friction, for example because of too tight shoes. This allows the cone to drill deeper and deeper into the skin. Therefore, it is important to reduce the pressure on a developing corn as soon as possible.
Can you treat corns yourself?
Basically, if you want to play it safe, you should only have a coronet removed by a doctor. However , if the corn is just developing or if it is particularly flat, you can also test if you can remove it yourself. There are different possibilities for this.
Treatment: Remove the cornseed yourself – by these means
There are several ways to try to remove a corn-eye yourself:
- Corn plasters: The most common way to treat a corn is to use a corn patch. The cornea of the feet is first softened by a warm foot bath. Then a corn patches is stuck on for two to three days. These are soaked with certain acids that help to further soften the cornea. After another footbath one can then try to pick out the corn. However, even a corn patch does not help in any case: If the cone is already very deep, the acid of the patch may not penetrate far enough into the cornea.
- Liquid corrosive agent : In general, a liquid agent works much like a coronary patch, except that you have to apply an additional pressure plaster over the place where the solution is applied. In addition, the surrounding skin should be protected from the acid in the corn, for example, by lubricating it with Vaseline. The tincture is applied daily and a footbath should be performed every two to three days before finally trying to remove the corn.
- Propolis tincture: A well-known home remedy for a corn-eye is the use of propolis tincture. As with corn patches, the tincture should soften the cornea of the feet, so you can lift out the painful cone.
- Arnica tincture: The effect with an arnica tincture is similar to the Propolistinktur. The arnica tincture should however be applied several times a day and in the evening before going to sleep on the corn. As a result, the cornea is gradually removed, creating new, smooth skin.
Handle cornseed yourself: hands off knives
Affected persons surprisingly often try to remove a corn-eye with a knife or other sharp object themselves. You should not do that – the chances of getting hurt are way too high. If open wounds develop, germs and bacteria can accumulate in them and in the worst case trigger blood poisoning.
Corn on the foot: when should I become a specialist?
If the corn-eye is deep in the skin, if it has been present for some time or does not suggest treatment with a corn patch, a doctor or professional pedicure can help. The rule is: The earlier you run the expert, the less complicated the removal. At the same time, the cornea is first softened by bathing the affected foot. Then the corn is removed layer by layer. A hydrogen peroxide is used, which also softens the deeper skin layers. In general, the whole process is painless.
Can I prevent corns on the foot?
So you do not even have to worry about how to treat corns, they should be as good as possible to prevent them. The following measures can help:
- Comfortable shoes: Since corns are mainly caused by pressure and friction, should be dispensed with tight shoes.
- Removal of the cornea: The fact that the cornea forms on the feet is basically normal. Nevertheless, it should be ground down to prevent a corn borer – for example, with a corneal file.
- Use moisturizer: The feet need a lot of moisture. It is best to apply some moisturizer every night before going to bed.