Trend color blue: How we style the popular color now

Trend color blue
What we’re wearing next to brown and green this winter

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After green and brown comes the trend color blue. What makes the color so special? We reveal it!

With so many new trend colors every other week, you don’t even know what else you can wear? So we say: Everything! Out is almost nothing anyway – some colors and prints are rather a little breather a. After the bright green and then the trend color brown were hyped by fashion fans this year, we are now happy about blue fashion hoursbecause we wear everything from cornflower blue to turquoise.

Cornflower/cobalt blue sweater

Influencer and model Mandy Bork already demonstrated it in the summer and showed us that a blue somewhere between cornflower, cobalt and royal blue makes a statement, especially with light hair.

But even with a darker complexion it shows that the Trend color blueelegant and exciting at the same time is and every outfit upgrades. So you can’t go wrong with a sweater in this color range and pair it with jeans as well as trousers or a leather skirt.

Turquoise sweater

Hardly any other color makes you feel as fresh as Turquoise. That’s why it’s so popular in spring and summer, because it expresses true joie de vivre. But the same applies in autumn and winter, because even if it gets dark faster outside, that doesn’t mean that it has to be the same with our wardrobe. With a splash of color becomes a look the same livelier.

A little hint: Gold jewelry looks fantastic with turquoise! Silver jewelry gives the whole thing a wintry touch. This is also proven by fashion genius Chiara Ferragni.

Sweater in light blue

If you like it a little more subdued, you can grab one sweater in Light Blue back what a Mixture of dark blue and light tones is. The subtle color can also be combined well with gold, for underneath you should choose dark trousers with straight legs or a mini skirt with a pattern.

Dresses in the trend color blue

From now on we don’t only wear sweaters in blue. Also Dresses are in the color of the sky and the water welcome to the closet. It doesn’t matter whether it’s tight or wide, because both are easy to style. Best combined Cowboy boots or overknees – the look is almost complete. You can then expand the whole thing by one more Hat in beige and a suitable one wool coat to. Just make sure that it doesn’t get too colorful and you maximum three colors thought about for your outfit. New York fashion blogger Arielle Charnas shows how to style a blue dress so it looks chic and sexy.

We continue to love these color trends

Everything influencers wear is in and the rest is out? Not correct! Even if Chiara Ferragni, Mandy Bork or Arielle Charnas are currently going for blue, we – and they – still love the other colors. pink is still very popular, but of course the trendy colour Brownwhich is very versatile and goes with any other color.

In addition to pink and blue is also continued Green announced, because gaudy statement pieces not only brighten up your own mind on dreary days. You will certainly attract a few looks with it, so it is a must for extroverts.

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