Tribute to Johnny Hallyday: Laeticia unveils videos of the ceremony with a clear message to her absent daughters

Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Laeticia Hallyday unveiled images of the ceremony tribute to Johnny Hallyday. For the five years of his death, the widow went to his grave in Saint-Barthélémy, without his daughters…

The evening went as she expected. Monday December 5, 2022, Laeticia Hallyday paid tribute to Johnny Hallyday by visiting his grave on the island of Saint-Barthélémy. A very special tribute since it marked the five years of the death of the late rocker. As planned, Laeticia Hallyday organized a vigil at sunset, on the grave of the singer, in the cemetery of Lorient. Then, she collected herself on the burial covered with floral compositions in the shape of objects dear to Johnny Hallyday. As can be seen in videos she unveiled the following day on her Instagram account, a bed of candles lit up the rock star’s grave.

Only here, if Laeticia Hallyday was able to pay tribute to her late husband, she was not surrounded by her daughters Jade and Joy for this solemn moment. Besides, she then pointed it out in an Instagram story. By sharing a snapshot of his children on which there was the following mention: “You miss”. But then, why weren’t Jade and Joy present at the ceremony honoring their father? As Closer told you exclusively, the two young women did not want to participate in order to no longer appear publicly. They now prefer live their grief in the strictest privacy.

Death of Johnny Hallyday: his daughters pay tribute to him in their own way for the 5 years of his disappearance

That said, on December 5, 2022, both did not fail to send tender words to Johnny Hallyday via their social networks. “It’s been 5 years since you left, I so want to hug you tightly and tell you how much I love you and how incredibly lucky I am to have a talented dad and if wonderful. The days spent without you are painful and difficult, but I know that you are by our side maybe not physically but spiritually. No words can describe how much I miss you dad, our moments as father and daughter will be etched forever in Sweetheart. I know you’re watching over the 3 of us, and I hope you’re proud of me. I love you daddy.” Jade wrote.

“Already 5 years that you are no longer by my side. There is no way to express my sadness and my pain. Thank you for being my strength every day even if you are no longer here. Learn and live with I miss you in your hyper rock n roll perspective. I miss you more than anything. I love you” Joy shared. Note that of course, David Hallyday, the singer’s son also paid tribute to him.

Death of Johnny Hallyday: an exhibition and a documentary soon available

A traveling exhibition dedicated to Johnny Hallyday will start in Brussels on December 16, 2022. It will be followed by documentary “Johnny by Laeticia” scheduled for December 8 on M6.


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Laeticia Hallyday and her daughters Joy and Jade
But her daughters were away

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Tribute to Johnny for the 5 years of his death
She went to Saint-Barthélémy

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Tribute to Johnny for the 5 years of his death
For a vigil

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Tribute to Johnny for the 5 years of his death
It took place on December 5, 2022

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Tribute to Johnny for the 5 years of his death
Her daughters have been missing

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Tribute to Johnny for the 5 years of his death
They want to live their sorrow in privacy

© Instagram

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Tribute to Johnny for the 5 years of his death
Laeticia Hallyday is still in mourning

© Bestimage Agency

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Laeticia Hallyday
But she manages to rebuild herself

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