True love: 6 unsolicited things happy couples do for each other

strengthen love
6 things happy couples do for each other without being asked

Every couple is different – but some habits make almost every relationship happier.


Unfortunately, there is no recipe for the perfect relationship – but there are still some habits of happy couples that you can learn from. You can find out what these are in the video.

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve only been with your partner for a few weeks, years or even decades: A relationship always takes work to make it work. But work that pays off! You should be willing to do something unselfishly for your loved one – without having to ask for it. Because that shows attention and appreciation, which is what everyone wants from their partner. Many happy couples pay particular attention to six things that they do to each other without being asked – you can find out what those are in the video.

Source used: Archival material


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