Trump criticizes Biden’s policy on the southern border

Former President Donald Trump (75) has accused the administration of his successor Joe Biden (78) of allowing migrants to flow undisturbed across the United States’ southern border with Mexico. That’s why more “murderers, rapists and dealers” come into the country, as well as drugs, Trump said on Wednesday during a visit to the border region in the state of Texas. Biden’s policy of the “open border” is disastrous. There are only two possible explanations for this: “You are either incompetent or for some reason you have a screw loose and want open borders,” said Trump.

Trump did not save on the visit with self-praise. Hundreds of kilometers of new border walls were built during his tenure and the border was safe, he said. “We did a great job,” he said at a meeting with Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Trump and his Republicans had solicited donations in the run-up to the visit with numerous emails to supporters.