Trump outraged with statement about suspension of the constitution

Dhe former US President Donald Trump caused outrage with a statement about overriding the constitution. Trump once again spread his false claim on his online network Truth Social on Saturday that he was deprived of a second term in the 2020 election through voter fraud. “A massive fraud of this nature and magnitude enables the repeal of all rules, regulations and articles, even those in the Constitution,” Trump wrote.

The White House immediately condemned Trump’s statement. “Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation and should be universally condemned,” said spokesman Andrew Bates.

“Anti-American and Fascist”

President Joe Biden’s Democrat politicians sharply attacked Trump. “He’s calling for an end to America’s constitutional democracy,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. “He’s out of control and a threat to our democracy.” Congressman Ted Lieu dismissed Trump’s statement as “anti-American and fascist.” Congressman Don Beyer said Trump had “openly declared himself an enemy of the Constitution.”

Criticism also came from some Republicans. Congressman Adam Kinzinger called Trump’s statement “crazy.” No Conservative can now support him. John Bolton, who was Trump’s national security adviser until a disagreement, said “all true conservatives” must now prevent Trump’s candidacy in the 2024 presidential election.

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