Tulip care: You should definitely avoid making a mistake when watering

Tulip care
You should definitely avoid this mistake when watering

With proper care, a bouquet of tulips can last seven to ten days.


Tulips bring color and the first spring fever into our home. But so that you can enjoy the colorful bouquet for as long as possible, you should definitely avoid a common mistake.

Even though spring is fast approaching, we still have a few gray weeks ahead of us. A bouquet of colorful tulips can work wonders against the gloomy winter mood, especially if you know how to keep them blooming for as long as possible.

Tulip care: This keeps the bouquet fresh for longer

Tulips use a lot of water, but when watering, many of us make a crucial mistake that causes the flowers to wither faster. You can see what it is and how to do it correctly in the video.

Source used: freundin.de


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