Tumblr finally reallows nudity on its platform, but not sexual content

New course change for Tumblr. The microblogging platform created in 2007 has fluctuated its level of modesty over the years. It changed its rules of use to allow the publication of content containing nudity. “Nudity and other types of adult content are generally welcomecan we read in the community directives. We’re not here to judge your art, we’re just asking that you add a community tag to your mature content so people can choose to filter it if they prefer.”

Nudity, however, does not rhyme with pornography. The platform still does not allow “visual depictions of sexually explicit acts (or content with an overt emphasis on genitalia)” but will take care of doing the distinction between a scene from a pornographic film and representations of historical art, for example.

Recall that Tumblr banned adult content in 2018 before being sold to WordPress.com owner Automattic. Radical, the platform had prohibited the slightest expression of nudity.

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