TV soap opera: Daniela impresses Kim in "Alles Was Matt"

TV soaps
Daniela impresses Kim in "Everything that matters"

"Everything that counts": Daniela (r.) Sympathetically recognizes that Kim (Jasmin Minz) needs her help

© TVNOW / Julia Feldhagen

At "Unter Uns" Jakob and Bambi are looking for an expensive present for Saskia. Daniela impressed Kim in "Everything that counts" with her zeal for work. In "GZSZ" Yvonne doesn't manage to avoid Felix.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Between us

For Benedikt, it is clear that the members of the community are behind the attack at HuberBau. But the real culprit can be found elsewhere. Spurred on by Eva, Jakob and Bambi decide to get Saskia an expensive surprise. But Saskia is initially more shocked than enthusiastic about the result.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Vanessa confesses to Christoph that she has spent the evening with Yannick. Although he takes the confession lightly, Vanessa cannot forgive herself. Kim is pleasantly surprised at how well her mother represented her in the "Prunkwerk". She has no idea how far Daniela went for it. Jenny lets her parents' criticism bounce off her. She stands by her decision and enjoys professional success.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Emily can't believe that Janani is giving Philip an absolution. Although on the one hand he is grateful to his mother for not condemning him, on the other hand he quarrels whether he should give in to his longing for Patrizia. Yvonne resolves to avoid Felix in the hospital, but cannot hold out her resolution for long. When Lilly even escapes a tell-tale comment, things escalate.
