TV soaps: Ben makes a confession in “Red Roses”.

TV soaps
Ben makes a confession in “Red Roses”.

“Red Roses”: Bernd (right) admits to Finn not knowing how to deal with his feelings for Sandra.

© NDR/ARD/Nicole Manthey

Bernd admits to Finn in “Rote Rosen” that he still has feelings for Sandra. In “Unter Uns” Eva loses Ute’s friendship. Later, Sunny can no longer cope with Laura’s manipulative nature in “GZSZ”.

2:10 p.m., The first: Red roses

Finn suspects that his father still has feelings for Sandra and talks to him about it. At first, Bernd can’t admit his feelings. But then he confesses the truth to Finn and admits that he doesn’t know what to do. Malte has a run: He can talk Hendrik off of the evidence mobile phone and destroy it. He then manages to convince Dorado boss Hansen to vote for his admission to the Gentlemen’s Club. This puts Anette in trouble – she pretended to Hansen’s wife that Louis was her son.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

After Carolin’s announcement, Max asks Vanessa if she would really be happier without him. When she says no, Max rebuffs Carolin and Carolin has to wonder if she was being too selfish. Valentina wants to avoid Michael and behaves quite dismissively towards him, which surprises Michael. But then, of all people, the two of them are locked up in the boathouse overnight.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Eva triumphs as Benedict bows to her counter-extortion. However, this triumph costs them Ute’s friendship. Tobias hopes that the unwelcome surprise visit from his mother-in-law will at least put aside the sensitive issue of pregnancy. Chris and Corinna want to realize their silver wedding plans with the winning ticket, but have to realize that they were not gifted by fate.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Isabelle struggles with her jealousy demons. When her boyfriend Yannick goes to see Nele right after the operation, Isabelle reacts insecurely. Simone is over the moon that her squad is standing by her – now she just needs to find a sensible way to restore her shattered reputation. Gabriel realizes he can no longer escape the aftermath of his past love.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Laura explains to John and the crew that she paid off the alleged racketeers. While Laura also enjoys Yvonne’s attention, Sunny clearly has trouble putting up with Laura’s manipulative game. Although Nina and Carlos are well prepared, the customer doesn’t seem very enthusiastic. When Nina gets the feeling that he is jumping off, she disregards Katrin and pitches her sawn-off project together with Carlos.


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