TV Soaps: Florian talks Mia into conscience on “Rote Rosen”

TV soaps
Florian speaks to Mia with “Rote Rosen” into her conscience

“Rote Rosen”: Florian tries to convince Mia that Michi has a right to his own life.

© ARD / Nicole Manthey

Florian speaks to Mia with “Rote Rosen” into her conscience. In “Sturm der Liebe” Gerry wants to reconcile Max and Vanessa. At “GZSZ” Maria and Tobias had a mishap.

2:10 p.m., First: Red Roses

Michi would like to work as a gardener in Madeira and find out by being close to Enrico whether they still have a chance. Mia is shaken because she made contact with Enrico possible in the first place. Merle is stunned that Amelie wins the election for the mayor candidate of “LüneNatur”. But then it becomes clear why: a photo of Merle climbing into the cockpit of an airplane has been posted. Merle suspects Heiko, but she discovers that Amelie is the culprit.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Gerry gets a small wellness package from Shirin, which he gives to Vanessa and claims it is from Max, so that the two can reconcile again. But Vanessa immediately sees through that the present does not come from Max, which is why Gerry wants to bring it back to Shirin in the beauty salon. A parcel without a sender is delivered to the Sonnbichlers. Alfons initially fears that it is a present from Hugo, Hildegard’s admirer at the time.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Between us

Paco admits to Eva that he is with Nika. Not only Eva notices this, and the secret begins to spread. Meanwhile, the diamond gang takes the necklace apart. Unfortunately, Sina and Bambi lose a stone that reappears in a dangerous place. When Ringo and Easy learn of Benedict’s suspicion of schizophrenia, Easy insists on giving up the plan. Will Ringo stick to it?

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Maximilian feels encouraged to work with Caroline. Little does he know that he is directing her attention to the Tacla project. Daniela is absolutely not thrilled that Kim only wants to get married on a small scale. Apparently it’s not just her, because she finds unexpected support.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Maren manages to get Tobias to help her pick up a freezer. But the two are not only locked up in one camp. Maren is also irritated when Tobias suddenly reacts violently. After Laura learns that Rosa wants to embezzle the million dollar gemstone, she clings to her heels. However, she did the math without John, who involuntarily finds himself in the chase.


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