TV soaps: Great job offer for Toni in “GZSZ”

TV soaps
Great job offer for Toni in “GZSZ”

“GZSZ”: Toni (right) doesn’t know what to think of the job offer from New York.

© RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

In “Rote Rosen” Hendrik is afraid that Annemarie could take his children away from him. Jakob finds out in “Unter Uns” that Antonia is a liar. In “GZSZ” Toni gets a job offer from New York.

2:10 p.m., The first: Red roses

Hendrik is afraid that Annemarie could take his children away from him because she wants the right of residence for Joe and Sam. He is also alarmed to find that Joe’s academic performance has suffered from the recent tensions. When Amelie advises him to look for dark secrets with Annemarie, he pricks up his ears. When it comes to the hotel project, Charlotte finds it difficult to assert herself against Amelie. But Philips and Carla’s encouragement is good for her and she manages not to let Amelie exploit her.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

After Constanze reveals to Paul that she has been offered a job in London and wishes to move there with him, Paul is torn. When Robert makes it clear to him that he cannot let Paul go so easily as managing director, Paul and Constanze want to find a solution together. During the test run for his driving test, Gerry can no longer remember what he learned and he returns home frustrated. Because he actually knows the theory well and turns to Shirin for advice.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Nika gets a great job offer. Does she decide to start over? Jakob receives the order from Karl to find his dog. Not only does he realize that Antonia is a liar, he also gets surprising support. Theo has to cancel the romantic short trip with Monika because of the concert. But the cancellation threatens to come too late, because Monika is already on her way to the train station.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

When Nathalie is threatened, Maximilian and Justus lose patience. Leyla waits in vain for Simone to be punished. She desires nothing more than a liberating confrontation.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Lilly still hopes to salvage her relationship with Nihat, unaware that her every move is being closely followed. A plan is further solidified. While Erik vents his disappointment about John’s bankruptcy to Toni, Toni gets a job offer in New York of all things. Solidarity Toni wants to reject the offer, but Erik likes it.


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