TV soaps: Gunter loses a bet in “Rote Rosen”.

TV soaps
Gunter loses a bet in “Red Roses”.

“Red Roses”: Gunter loses the bet against Merle, who didn’t play quite fairly.


In “Red Roses” Gunter loses his bet against Merle. In “Storm of Love” Theo is disappointed with his first therapy session. In “GZSZ” Lilly notices the tense atmosphere between Maren and Michi.

2:10 p.m., First thing: Red roses

Merle wins that one Bet against Gunter, who thinks she cheated. In the end, however, both of them hug each other at the salt market. Mo is asked to promote his “Heidesommer” laundry scent in a video and explain his inspiration for it. To avoid rumors, Mo mistakenly names Jördis as his muse instead of Julius.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Erik is officially disappointed about the cancellation of Yvonne’s tournament, but secretly relieved because he would have had to clean his wife’s shoes if he lost. However, unexpectedly he gets a new partner for the tournament. Theo returns from his first therapy session disappointed because the therapist kept bringing up a topic that Theo would prefer to avoid.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

After losing her horse, Patrizia develops new feelings for Benedikt due to the emotional closeness that has arisen. Vivien and Tobias hope that Tobias is Leo’s biological father, while David feels a strong connection to the child. Fynn doubts his mother’s love, but Sina could be the key to healing their troubled relationship.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Simone upsets Jenny by starting a business with Kilian. Jenny believes that Kilian is manipulating Simone. Deniz focuses on Leyla and neglects Charlie, which raises doubts about his ability as a coach. Imani struggles with her conscience about her affair and considers ending it.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Alicia tries to convince Carlos to abandon his revenge plan against Katrin and Tobias and briefly reaches him. But then Carlos comes across an unpleasant truth. Lilly returns from London and notices the tense atmosphere between Maren and Michi. To lighten the mood, Lilly Maren spontaneously reveals some news about the family.


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