TV soaps: Moritz flies up in “GZSZ” in front of Gerner

TV soaps
Moritz flies up in “GZSZ” before Gerner

"GZSZ": Moritz (left) has no choice but to confess Gerner the truth about his money problem.

“GZSZ”: Moritz (left) has no choice but to confess Gerner the truth about his money problem.

© RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

In “Storm of Love” Leander denies his feelings. In “Everything that counts”, Maximilian is stunned to learn of Frieda’s blackmail. In “GZSZ” Gerner caught Moritz trying to cheat him.

2:10 p.m., The first: Red roses

Hendrik works non-stop to compensate for the shortage of staff in the clinic. Britta is worried – but is also impressed by his stamina. She has no idea that he is helping with pills. Sandra continues to function and cannot allow her sadness. Her siblings and Anette can only watch but not help – no one can get close to them. Mathias is unsure and holds back. He doesn’t want to overwhelm Sandra. Then Bernd is suddenly in the door.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Leander fears that he made a mistake with the kiss, especially since Eleni and he treat each other self-consciously after the kiss. While Eleni concludes that the close moment at the boulder meant nothing, Leander’s heart says otherwise. Markus doesn’t intend to give up without a fight and devises a plan to relieve him. When he arranges for Alexandra to visit him in prison, Christoph warns her not to keep the appointment. He fears an intrigue, but Alexandra is pleasantly surprised.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Jenny gets into an emergency, in which her friend Corinna supports her. Ute and Chris doubt whether Jenny can still be trusted. Stella supports Britta against Eva. She thanks you for the unexpected solidarity with a wise advice. Easy and Ringo are well on the way to getting closer again, but the willingness to help of the residents of Schillerallee steps between them.

7:10 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Maximilian is stunned when Simone tells him about Frieda’s blackmail. However, Jenny reacts even more violently to the renewed breach of trust. When Ben defends himself against a fake purchase with Gabriel’s help, he ends up having to flee thanks to Gabriel. Nele’s liver is damaged by the knockout drops. Yannick hopes they can get this under control with medication.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

When Gerner catches Moritz trying to betray him, he lets Moritz feel his contempt in his anger. Moritz confides in Laura, who once again sees how little Gerner respects her. Laura confronts Gerner and an argument ensues. Emily is shocked to learn that prosecutors have filed charges against her, Lilly, and Nihat.


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