TV soaps: Nicole surprises Katrin in “GZSZ”

2:10 p.m., First thing: Red roses

Doris Dahlmann launches a new and more cost-effective label, which makes life difficult for Simon’s start-up. Unfortunately, Simon has to cancel his trip to Turkey with Dilay. When he suspects a possible fraudulent labeling of the new products, his fighting spirit awakens. The relationship between Ralf and Anette remains complicated, but Anette finds contact with the “Second Chance” through Ralf and blossoms there. Ralf realizes that he has to let Anette find her own way and gives up his desire for a relationship with her.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

During a conversation with Helene, Nicole accidentally mentions Michael, and Helene defends her cousin. Nicole then believes, irritated, that Michael sent Helene ahead. When another misunderstanding occurs, Nicole attacks Michael unfairly. Both decide independently that it is better to stay out of each other’s way. Eleni and Julian struggle emotionally with the loss of their child. Although Leander would like to be there for Eleni, he holds back in order to give everyone involved space. Nevertheless, he feels hope rising within him again. Eleni is worried about whether she will be able to have children at all.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Nadine is annoyed that Henry laughs at her rescue operation. When her online date turns out to be a nice guy, Henry could be forgotten if it weren’t for her jacket. When Tzatziki develops health problems, Britta spares no expense to help him, but then she discovers the cause. Paco rejects Nika after the kiss and thinks the issue is settled. What she doesn’t know, however, is that Stella has already been informed.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Imani desperately tries to numb her feelings, but she can no longer do so. Henning manages to hide his financial worries from the others, but his lie makes him lonely. Although Ava’s new training method is successful, Justus criticizes it. She can no longer separate work and private life.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Much to Emily’s relief, Sascha decides not to travel to Egypt to search for Mohamed’s murderer. But has Sascha already secretly bought a plane ticket? Nicole is happy that she and Katrin have become closer. When Katrin tells her about her past in Dortmund, Nicole spontaneously suggests accompanying her to her old home.


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