TV soaps: The preview for Monday (17.06.2024)

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among Us

Thanks to Charlotte’s support, Easy and Ringo find each other again. But their joy is overshadowed by a dark secret that catches up with them. Patrizia gives in to Ute’s blackmail and plans to leave Schillerallee. Nevertheless, she manages to thwart Ute’s triumph. Ronja is disappointed because Nadine found out about the planned surprise concert and is apparently not a big fan of the band.

19:10, RTL: Everything that counts

Maximilian’s fears are confirmed, so he asks Kim to reconsider her opinion of Tom. With Miray’s help, Daniela tries very hard to shoot a confident tutorial, but when it doesn’t work, she has a new idea. Richard suggests traveling to Crete soon because he’s worried about Simone, but she wants to get back to work as soon as possible.

19:40, RTL: Good Times, Bad Times

John is plagued by uncertainty and has to wait a few more days for clarity. When he learns that Zoe is not in good health, he makes a spontaneous decision. There is a tense atmosphere between Flo and Jonas. Flo wants to make things easier for Jonas and quickly withdraws, while Jonas struggles with his situation again.


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