TV soaps: Toni speaks to Erik in “GZSZ”.

TV soaps
Toni speaks to Erik in “GZSZ”.

“GZSZ”: Toni (l.) and Erik speak openly about their feelings.

© RTL / Rolf Baumgartner

In “Rote Rosen” the new barrel sauna in the Rosenhausgarten is not well received by everyone. In “Among Us” Henry tries to save the gym with a questionable deal. In “GZSZ” Jonas hopes to be able to leave Flo behind.

2:10 p.m., First thing: Red roses

The newly installed barrel sauna in the garden of the Rosenhaus causes mixed feelings among the residents. Ben and Tina experience an embarrassing situation when they lock themselves out while taking a sauna and look like burglars in front of Hendrik and Britta, whereupon Hendrik objects. Tina reacts promptly and moves the sauna to the estate, but it remains to be seen what Gunter thinks of it. Franka, who is afraid of becoming too attached to a man through having a child, inquires about anonymous sperm donations. When she carefully tells Marvin about her desire to have children, he initially reacts enthusiastically, but his mood changes when he sees the website of a sperm donor bank on her laptop.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Philipp gets into trouble when he gives Ana a half-hearted excuse for his donation to Natalie’s animal rescue station. When Vincent gets wind of this, he keeps asking until Natalie, overwhelmed, runs away. Later, Vincent overhears a stressful conversation from Philipp and angrily confronts him, demanding that he admit his lies.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Among us

Paco has a disturbing suspicion that Patrizia could be behind his legal problems and goes looking for evidence. Fynn spontaneously makes the decision to go with his mother, a decision that is difficult for him and his friends. Henry is forced to quickly raise money to rent one Finding fitness studios and, despite David’s skepticism, brings a business partner on board.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that counts

Hanna thwarts Kilian’s plans when he wants to celebrate his apparent victory over the Steinkamps with her. Lucie once again realizes that her career is based on a lie and Justus, who has no idea, could expose this lie. Charlie convinces Deniz to register her for the Ruhrquell Cup, and she enters the competition with Leyla.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Jonas feels relieved when Johanna plays along with him. He hopes to finally get over Flo, while Flo also tries to suppress her feelings for Jonas. Will they succeed? Toni becomes aware of her dissatisfaction and fear of losing Erik again. Erik then makes it clear to her that he also has his fears.


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