TV Soaps: Vanessa is in mortal danger in "Storm of Love"

A mix-up puts Amelie in danger in "Sturm der Liebe". In "Everything counts" Ina returns early from Bremen. John later has a surprise for Shirin at "GZSZ".

2:10 p.m., The first: Red roses

Gunter opposes David calling him a snob. He invites him to the estate so that he can take photos for his art project. There David continues trying to get a pocket watch from Gunter's possession – and is caught red-handed. Amelie does not want to be driven by Carsten Witte and brusquely refuses a candlelight dinner. Witte becomes angry and ambushed her. Torben comes at the right time and can save Amelie.

3:10 p.m., The First: Storm of Love

Vanessa regrets that Amelie can no longer live with the Sonnbichlers because it has been found that she has an allergy to horse hair. Shortly thereafter, there is a fatal confusion in the staff room and Vanessa suffers a severe allergic shock. Robert doubts Andrés suspicion that Dirk can move his legs again. Why shouldn't he keep that from? There is only one logical explanation for André: Dirk's disability enables him to be near Lindas.

5:30 p.m., RTL: Between us

Ringo's fight at the youth welfare office was successful. This has improved their chances of adoption. Will Easy Junior still go to Cologne? Luke impulsively gives in to his feelings for Sina. But since these endanger his plan, he tries everything to push them aside again. Till notices via the surveillance camera in Eva's office that Eva wants to buy the house – but also that her financier backs off.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Everything that matters

Vanessa has no idea that the snare around Finn's neck is slowly tightening due to the theft of medication. Then there is an even greater shock. Ina returns early from Bremen. It quickly becomes clear that their relationship questions are still unresolved. Marie feels motivated to run during the opening gala planned by Justus, but her boyfriend Deniz disagrees with this appearance.

7:40 p.m., RTL: Good times, bad times

Nazan tries in vain to get Felix. The implementation of her app is in the starting blocks, but she urgently needs the approval of the means of payment. Instead of providing the signatures, Felix has no nerve for Nazan. To make Shirin happy, John has prepared a surprise. In fact, Shirin manages to forget everything for now and she enjoys a relaxing day with John.
