TV tips: Gripping thriller "Sick Business" on ZDF

In "Sick Business" (ZDF), parents fear for their daughter's health. In "Wir Ostdeutsche" (Das Erste), rbb and MDR get to the bottom of the East German soul. Meanwhile, Keanu Reeves fights in "Matrix" (kabel eins) against machine beings that have enslaved mankind.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, sick business, thriller

Armin Glaser (Florian Stetter), Loyal First Lieutenant of the Stasi, lives with his wife Marie (Felicitas Woll) and daughter Kati (Lena Urzendowsky) in the GDR in Karl-Marx-Stadt. When Kati is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, they hope for a new type of treatment and place her in the care of Dr. Sigurd (Corinna Harfouch). But soon inconsistencies arise.

8:15 p.m., Das Erste, Wir Ostdeutsche, documentary

"East Germans" Рfor some it sounds like the rather unloved part of the reunited Germans, for others it sounds like home and identity. What's behind it? Self-image or external determination, mere ascription or even clich̩? What does it mean to be an East German in the 30th year of German unification, and what does that mean for the whole country?

8:15 p.m., kabel eins, matrix, sci-fi action

The hacker Neo (Keanu Reeves) finds out that the world is just an illusion that people are led to believe in a huge computer program, the matrix. With the help of a small group of rebels around Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), he breaks out of the illusory world and begins to fight against machine beings that have enslaved humanity. Morpheus soon lets him in on his secret that Neo could have a bigger role in this war than he might want to fill.

8:15 p.m., arte, In the labyrinth of silence, judicial drama

When a former concentration camp inmate (Johannes Krisch) recognized his supervisor in a teacher in Frankfurt in the 1950s, no one in the public prosecutor's office was initially very interested in the case. But the young lawyer Johann Radmann (Alexander Fehling) is pursuing the matter further.

9:50 p.m., ZDF neo, Inspector Barnaby: Look into horror, crime thriller

Allegedly, some residents of Midsomer Mere can see into the future. Max Ransom (Joe Anderson) wants to get to the bottom of this gift and subjects his brother to painful brain examinations. John dies in a brawl – but not from blows, but from the long-term effects of the experiments. The father of the brothers is unmoved to note the death of his elder. Then he is murdered – and Inspector Barnaby (John Nettles) begins an investigation.
