TV Tips: The "X-Men" meet "Apocalypse"

On ProSieben the "X-Men" compete against the overpowering opponent "Apocalypse". The "Hotel Transylvania" (RTL) opens its doors for the second time. In "Masterminds" (RTLzwei) four losers commit a robbery of millions.

8:15 p.m., ProSieben, X-Men – Apocalypse, fantasy film

He was once worshiped as a god – Apocalpyse, the world's first and most powerful mutant. When he wakes up from his sleep after thousands of years, he finds, contrary to his ideas, a world dominated by humans. To change that, he gathers a group of powerful mutants. Professor X (James McAvoy) opposes this threat and enters a battle over the fate of humanity.

8:15 p.m. RTL, Hotel Transylvania 2, scary trick comedy

Count Dracula's daughter Mavis gives birth to a son. He is half human and half vampire. The grandfather now has concerns that his half-blood grandson will not become a snappy bloodsucker. With the help of his friends, Grandpa Dracula tries to raise the boy to be a vampire. But teaching scare and Co. proves to be difficult. Suddenly, great-grandfather Vlad emerges from his crypt.

8:15 p.m., RTLzwei, Masterminds – minimal IQ, maximum loot, comedy

The simple-minded money transporter driver David (Zach Galifianakis) dreams of an adventurous life that he would like to spend with his attractive colleague Kelly (Kristen Wiig), the only bright spot in his life. When Kelly is released, she can persuade David to make a daring plan: Together with some would-be gangsters, he is supposed to rob the vault of his employer. Although his accomplices turn out to be completely underexposed and the plan is anything but well thought out, David looted $ 17 million. But then David is betrayed by his accomplices.

8:15 p.m., ZDF, Das Traumschiff: Macau, holiday series

This time the route leads "The Dream Ship" to Macau. Captain Burger (Sascha Hehn), his crew and the passengers have an eventful journey ahead of them. On board are the young couple Nadja (Sarah Alles) and Kim (Yung Ngo). Both have a common dream: to open their own restaurant. For this, however, they not only lack money, but also Kim's brother, whom he wants to "buy" through a smuggler in Macau. Both work hard for it on board the "MS Amadea".

9:55 PM, RTL, James Bond 007 – Die Another Day, action thriller

In North Korea, James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) tries to prevent a transaction in which a large arms shipment is to be paid for with blood diamonds. However, his true identity is revealed and he is captured. The unscrupulous General Moon (Kenneth Tsang) tortures him, and it takes months to bond with the terrorist Zao (Rick Yune). Since M (Judi Dench) cannot be sure whether Bond has given away secret information in captivity, she withdraws the status of double zero agent.