Twin soul: have you already met yours?

A twin soul will be sent to you to help you master tasks in life. Sounds adventurous? It is. But watch your environment and your love relationships and you will stagnate.

You probably know the feeling that you feel from some people magically attracted feel. This happens of course with love partners, but also with friends, colleagues or neighbors.

  • Some you trust immediately, even though you haven't known them long.
  • You share almost all interests, values ​​or hobbies with others.
  • Others, on the other hand, attract you physically.

In all three cases it could be that you met your twin soul or your dual soul. As I said, you don't necessarily have a partnership with these people. But what exactly is a twin soul? And what do you need such a classification for? For that we have to go to the Doctrine of reincarnation watch.

The twin soul as a reborn task

Well, one thing first: The teaching of reincarnation is natural scientifically not proven. What happens to us after death will probably remain a mystery for all time. But especially in Indian Hinduism or in Buddhism one is convinced that the soul lives on with death.

The soul goes – so the belief – through different bodies and deals with the experiences that a person has. The famous Karma packetwe drag through different lives. So we have to master trials and challenges until our soul has reached a purified, higher status.

On this path to a higher self, of course, dealing with other people is important. That means we meet many soul partners, for example twin souls or dual souls. But what's the difference?

Twin soul versus dual soul

This is what distinguishes a twin soul:

  • Trust at first sight
  • the feeling of knowing each other for a long time
  • Harmony and little conflict
  • same values ​​and interests
  • similar character

This is what distinguishes a dual soul:

  • magical attraction at the beginning
  • with love partners: great physical pleasure
  • very different character
  • often quarrels and conflicts
  • On / off relationships

What is the task for the soul mate?

Comes with the dual soul the great drama Harmony moves into life and with the twin soul. A clear plus point for the twin soul, right? Seemingly. Because the karmic purpose behind it is different.

Each of us has life challenges to deal with. For example, some give too much for their fellow human beings and cannot set themselves apart. With others it is exactly the other way around. A dual soul challenges us with its way of taking a stand. Since the pleasure, but also the pain, are great with her, we have to grow inwardly. So we develop further with a dual soul. However, that does not mean that a love relationship is also happy.

At a The twin soul rules harmony from the start. Because both people are so similar, arguments rarely arise. Crises are resolved together and with mutual respect. This person is perfect for a long-lasting relationship and is likely to stay loyal forever.

Which is better: twin soul or dual soul?

This is a difficult question because people are at different points in life. Who a lot Fire in the heart will probably run into some dual souls. You can rub yourself against it – painfully – and learn a lot about your own wishes in the process.

Those who rest more in themselves are probably ripe for their twin souls. That sounds harmonious, but it also leaves less room to recognize your own "I". Sometimes such people hide behind their soul twin.

Can you meet a twin soul and dual soul in life?

Clear yes. There is no such thing as one soul mate. You can meet several dual souls in life, but probably a few twin souls.

You probably know people who have been happy with a partner since their youth. These seem to have met their twin souls early in life.

Others have only had ten unhappy relationships and breakups before meeting the one who was different. Namely harmonious and respectful.

It is now interesting what your love relationships or close friendships look like. Do you recognize a scheme? Is there a lot of drama or a lot of harmony? Both are completely okay and neither good nor bad. It is a hint for you: How do you want to live and what do you have to look at in your soul?

Can't you be happy with a dual soul?

There are probably many dual souls that are married to one another and will remain so. Therefore, these are not inherently bad for a relationship or friendship.

Some people have so much power in them that they need the friction to grow through their lives. Even with a twin soul there is of course conflict material, but not so dramatically.

Can you miss your twin soul?

Sometimes there is actually no twin soul in life, because you get enough strength even with a dual soul. But no fear: Everything that is intended will also happen in your life.

That alone means that Law of resonance. What you radiate comes back to you. When you are ready for a long-term, harmonious relationship, you will also find your twin soul. But of course you have to throw yourself into life for that. If there is no pandemic around the world, that means: Be open to others and be spontaneous. Don't devalue anyone, just look at who comes into your life.

The twin soul can come around the corner, for example, as a colleague, as an optician or as a seminar seat neighbor. Of course, Tinder is also possible. When you meet him or her, you will definitely feel it because it feels familiar. But beware: At first glance, a twin soul may seem more boring than a dramatic dual soul. But she is someone who wants to stay. Maybe for many lives.