Twitter is (finally) working on an “edit” button

Benjamin Destrebecq

April 06, 2022 at 7:15 p.m.


Twitter edit button © Twitter

© Twitter

The social network Twitter recently announced that they are officially working on a tweet edit button.

Requested by many users for years, the famous “edit” button will soon arrive… but there is a but.

April fools… ah, actually, no!

1er april is always prank day funny, and Twitter took advantage of it. By playing on the running gag of the edit button, because many people regularly respond to tweets from the official account of the social network for the sole purpose of claiming it, Twitter that day split a small message ” We are working on an edit button » (« We are working on an edit button “). Of course, few people fell into the trap, as the company seemed to be stuck on this feature.

But finally, and to everyone’s surprise, the Twitter Comms account (the social network’s communication account) announced on the evening of April 5 that they were actually working on this button and that the tweet of the 1er April was no joke, despite what we might naturally have believed.

Now that everyone is wondering…

Yes, we have been working on an editing feature since last year!

No, we didn’t get the idea via a survey ?

We are launching the tests in
@TwitterBlue Labs in the coming months to find out what works, what doesn’t and what is possible.

A feature reserved for Twitter Blue?

As the aforementioned tweet indicates, the first tests of the edit button, which Twitter has been working on since last year in the greatest secrecy, will be offered only on Twitter Blue, the paid version of the social network. But to date, no information has been given as to the purpose of the button: will it be available to everyone in the long term?

The fact of reserving the functionality for this version of Twitter billed three dollars per month and still unavailable in our regions (and in others) could be detrimental to the image of the company, whose board of directors recently experienced the arrival of a new member by the name of Elon Musk. Or maybe Twitter is waiting to launch the feature to spearhead Blue around the globe?

On the same subject :
We learn that Elon Musk owns 9.2% of Twitter, the share price soars!

Source : Twitter

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