Two alcohol accidents – cyclist hit by drunk driver

On Sunday evening there were two alcohol accidents in Carinthia. While a German cyclist was hit by a car driver in Ossiach, a drunk crashed his car over an embankment in the Mölltal.

At the exit of a campsite in Ossiach, an Italian car driver (65) overlooked a German cyclist who was traveling with his wife on Südufer-Straße. While the woman was able to jump off the bike in time and get to safety, the vacationer was hit by the car. The 63-year-old was taken to the LKH Villach with minor injuries. “An alcohol test carried out on the car driver was positive,” the police said. Passers-by rushed to help In Stall im Mölltal, a 61-year-old car driver had strayed off the road, causing the vehicle to fall over an embankment and came to a halt lying on its roof in a parking lot. A passer-by saw the accident and rushed to help. “The driver from the Spittal district was rescued by the man from the vehicle,” says a police officer. The 61-year-old was flown to the Lienz district hospital with the C7 rescue helicopter. An alcohol test carried out on him was positive. The accident car had to be recovered by the FF Stall.
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