Two billion euros in tax cuts on the middle classes, what Macron’s announcement hides

Two billion euros in tax cuts on “the middle classes” by 2027. This is one of President Emmanuel Macron’s announcements this Monday on TF1. A hypothetical tax cut.

President Emmanuel Macron wants to concentrate two billion euros in tax cuts on the middle classes by 2027, he said Monday evening on TF1, when the budget trajectory will allow it in this five-year period.

In our budget trajectory until 2027, there are two billion tax cuts for households. These two billion, I asked the government to make me proposals so that they concentrate on these middle classes, he indicated. The Head of State did not specify the measures envisaged.

I asked the government to work on it, but I don’t want to close any doors here because there may be smart things to do on part of the charges you pay, the contributions you pay when you are an employee. So this is what will allow people who work, who are middle class, to have in a way a greater living balance for them, he underlined.

A blurry calendar

When could the tax cuts take place? When the budgetary trajectory allows it in this five-year term, in this term of office, replied Emmanuel Macron without further details.

The Head of State had already insisted on the middle classes in an interview with the newspaper L’Opinion on Sunday, citing those who are too rich to be helped and not rich enough to live well, with incomes between 1500 and 2500 euros. This mantra has also been hammered out for several weeks by Budget Minister Gabriel Attal.

Very unpopular after the forced adoption of the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron embarked on an economic sequence, centered on industrialization, with the announcement of several investments, particularly in Hauts-de-France.

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