Two bodies of deceased children found in suitcases sold at auction


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New Zealanders have discovered remains of corpses in a lot of objects bought at an auction. The bodies were those of children.

When buying second-hand objects, we tend to find remnants of the life of the former owners. But there, this family who lives in New Zealand has made the worst discovery ever by buying a trailer of loose objects at an auction. Among the lot of items they acquired were suitcases, which gave off a very suspicious smell. When the buyers opened them, they discovered the remains of human bodies. The lot had been purchased from a warehouse in Auckland.

These human remains discovered on August 11 by the buyers of the lot, belonged to two children. The New Zealand media, stuff, who quotes Inspector Tofilau Faamanuia Vaaelua, reports that the bodies could have been hidden in these suitcases for several years. A priori, the children could have been between the ages of five and ten at the time of their death. “The nature of the discovery makes the investigation complex, due in particular to the time elapsed between death and discovery”, says the inspector.

Buyers shocked by their discovery

The family who made the purchase of these objects has been exonerated. The buyers had no idea of ​​the macabre hiding place. They were shocked by this discovery and quickly contacted the authorities to warn them of the presence of these human remains. They would also have left the city for a temporary period in order to avoid any media coverage of the affair which upset them.

The investigation is continuing to identify the bodies and understand under what circumstances these bodies of children could have been buried in these suitcases. The DNA trail is currently being followed to find any link with these two children. “The investigation team is working very hard to hold the person(s) responsible for the deaths of these children to account”explained the inspector in charge of the case.

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends which she dissects with words. She pays particular attention to women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she…

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