Two caregivers convicted of having photographed a patient with multiple disabilities in “erotic” lingerie

The Douai Criminal Court sentenced two nursing assistants for taking sexy pictures of a patient with multiple disabilities. New case of medical abuse.

The justice sentenced, Tuesday, April 20, 2021, two former nursing assistants of a specialized reception center in Cantin (North) to respectively five and three months in prison suspended, damages around 400-500 euros and a ban on practice for five years for voluntary violence without incapacity on a vulnerable person likely to cause psychological trauma, and capture and dissemination of images of a sexual nature, reports The Dauphine. It was in September 2020, that MB (59 years old) and AB (23 years old) had photographed a heavily multi-handicapped patient, whose mental age is six years according to the experts, in underwear “erotic”. And the next day they showed these pictures to other colleagues. “The victim is present at the hearing so that we can visualize the humiliating and degrading acts she has suffered. She has been objected!”, declared Me Pierre-Jean Gribouva, civil party, can we read in The voice of the North.

The establishment had at the time dismissed the oldest, a few years from retirement, and had not renewed the CDD of the twenty-something. “There was a lightness on the part of my client, but absolutely nothing humiliating, malicious, says Me Alban Deberdt, lawyer for the youngest caregiver. It was to brighten up his life […] It is not because you are disabled that you cannot have moments of joy and the freedom to dress as you wish. She chooses her clothes saying yes or no. There, she did not say no “. A defense that did not convince.

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Abuse of people with disabilities

As the Senate reminds us in a commission of inquiry report in 2003, “The mistreatment of disabled people in social and medico-social establishments and services is unfortunately part of the very long list of violence affecting our society.” For Marie-Thérèse Boisseau, then Secretary of State for the Disabled, “In medico-social establishments, there is of course first of all sexual violence, which represents on average 60% of mistreatment, or even 70% among minors. But there are also very many forms of insidious mistreatment, more or less less passive. The first is perhaps to force someone to live in a way he has not chosen, to force him to use a wheelchair, meals that do not correspond to his history or his culture , the mixing of any food, or force-feeding, to go faster. dependency. All this, often for lack of time or staff, but not only. ”

Recently, on April 5, 2021, an article published in Mediapart revealed the violence and mistreatment of which children have been victims for decades in a public institute in Asnières-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine). Often cloistered in their silence, the victims do not dare to speak either because they cannot do so given their disability or because they think that these facts are “normal” coming from health professionals dedicated to helping them. or for fear of reprisals. Situations that many associations are trying to break.

If you are a witness, victim or wind of wrongdoing, the 3977 (7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekends) is the number to contact for vulnerable people who are victims of abuse.

Celine Peschard

Journalist who loves the versatility that his profession can offer. Specialized in the historical field, societal subjects and auteur films, against a background of electronic music. University course based on …