PARIS (Reuters) – The Elysée announced on Friday the appointment of two delegate ministers, Jean-Louis Thiériot (Les Républicains) to the Armed Forces and Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq (Horizons) to the Handicap, six days after the presentation of Michel Barnier’s government.
Jean-Louis Thiériot, 55, is a lawyer by profession and deputy for Seine-et-Marne since 2018. His appointment, to the Minister of the Armed Forces and Veterans, Sébastien Lecornu, reinforces the anchoring of the Republicans (LR) in the within the government.
The MP for the North Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq, 47, will be responsible for People with Disabilities under the Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between Women and Men, Paul Christophe. The absence of a ministry dedicated to people with disabilities had raised numerous criticisms.
These two appointments bring the government team to 41 people, 36 ministers and five secretaries of state.
(Written by Kate Entringer)
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