two free games available, real nuggets

New August 2023 Xbox Game Pass releases continue. For the past few hours, subscribers have been able to (re)discover two video game essentials.

August 2023 Xbox Game Pass games are available in part. And there has already been very heavy from the beginning of the month. It indeed started with the wonderful and demanding Celeste. A platformer from the Canadian studio Extremely OK Games (TowerFall). A title that has won over hundreds of thousands of players with its very high level pixel art, its soundtrack, its narration and the challenge offered. Next is the very refreshing A Short Hike who took over. A more relaxing game than the previous one and which focuses on the hike of a bird inside a natural park. A good introduction and these two Xbox Game Pass new features will drive the point home.

A tasty delirium comes to Xbox Game Pass August 2023

The new Xbox Game Pass games for August 2023 are here! Since yesterday, all subscribers have access to the essential action movie pastiche of the 80s and 90s: Broforce Forever. A new version, hence the “Forever” attached to the title, which brings new bros. Real icons with Broffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Xebro the warrior princess (parody of Xena), Seth Brondle (Fly), Demolition Bro (Stallone in Demolition Man), Burt Brommer (we don’t see) and finally Desperabro (Desperado’s mariachi).

These heroes will go to defend democracy against the Motorbike Maniacs. “The Bros step up when their freedom – and that of the whole world – is threatened. In Broforce Forever, the terrorists are even more determined to destroy democracy. Don’t let them, and especially beware of Motorbike Maniacs who will do anything to run you over or blow themselves up to spoil the party! ». In this free patch – for Xbox Game Pass subscribers and all owners of the original Broforce – the difficulty will be increased by the presence of these bad guys and their big sulphates. But also by the dangers of the environment. Barbed wire and sandbags have been installed to slow down the progression.

And if that’s not enough, there are the “Muscle Temples”. “Each campaign sees Indiana Brones evolve into a perilous temple that offers a new Threat Level, as well as specific enemies and traps. Beat these challenges to unlock four new poses to use with any Bro, anywhere, anytime. This is freedom! Fuck yeah! ». If you won’t run download it from Xbox Game Pass after such description.

A masterpiece also available in this month’s XGP

Alone or with others, Broforce is a nugget of independent gaming and a great stress reliever that will allow you to blow between two AAAs with an astronomical lifespan. And the same will be true for Limbo, which has just joined the new Xbox Game Pass releases in August 2023. A radically different atmosphere, all in black and white, for this other platformer which has acquired the status of a masterpiece since its release. launch. A classic that has lost none of its brilliance over the years. “Uncertain of his sister’s fate, a boy enters LIMBO” (through Steam).

If you haven’t subscribed to Xbox Game Pass, watch out! Microsoft has tightened the conditions to discover its flagship service. From now on, the trial version is limited to 14 days for 1€ and no longer 1 month. A change that does not please players, a little too used to the old formula.

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