two good news for the Aspa amount, the old age minimum

The solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) was recently increased. The recovery ceilings have also been increased according to an official circular from Retirement Insurance.

The solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) is assistance which guarantees a minimum level of resources for elderly people with low incomes or who have not contributed enough to have a pension.

Paid by pension funds (Carsat: Retirement and Health Insurance Fund at Work, MSA, etc.), the Aspa, also known as the minimum old age, was increased by 5.3%. Since January, it has increased for a single person from 961.08 euros to 1012.02 euros per month and from 1492.08 euros to 1571.20 euros per month for 2 people.

In a circular dated April 5Retirement Insurance has also clarified the rules regarding recovery of Aspa upon the death of its beneficiary.

Inheritance: ASPA, ASH… These social benefits which must be reimbursed to the tax authorities upon your death

Overseas stretched ceilings

The law provides for an inheritance ceiling above which heirs must repay part of the assistance received. The pension reform increased these ceilings to 100,000 euros in mainland France and 150,000 euros in overseas territories until 2029, compared to 39,000 and 100,000 euros respectively previously.

Since January, the ceiling has been revised in mainland France. Since January 1, 2024, this amount has been set at 105,300 euros. The amount remains unchanged in Overseas Territories (Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Reunion) and remains set at 150,000 euros until December 31, 2029.

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In its latest circular on the subject, Retirement Insurance indicates that this ceiling of 150,000 euros also applies to Saint Martin and Saint Bartholomew for deaths occurring from January 1, 2024.

The Court of Cassation, in a judgment rendered on November 16, 2023 by the 2nd Civil Chamber, also indicated new details concerning the heirs from whom this aid can be recovered. The highest court of the French judiciary has indicated that only direct heirs are concerned.

Retirement: I touch Aspa. Will my heirs have to repay it when I die?

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