two huge announcements, very heavy stuff is coming

Since the release of Prey, the Predator saga has returned stronger than ever to the hearts of fans. And here is excellent news for them.

Prey was a very good surprise, and after the disaster The Predator, it was also a relief to find the famous dreadlocked alien at the top of his form. Obviously, this greatly inspired the producers to continue exploring the franchise. Especially since there is still a lot to say. A new project is therefore on the way, to the delight of fans.

Predator will return

We can therefore learn that 20th Century Studios is working on a new film entitled Badlands in the Predator universe, with Dan Trachtenberg, already Emmy nominated for his Predator prequel in 2022, Prey, directing. Although plot details remain under wraps, it is known that the film will be set in the future and production will begin this year.

Trachtenberg’s film Prey, which featured a Comanche Nation warrior named Naru (played by Amber Midthunder) struggling to protect her people from a mysterious danger, was well received by critics. In 2022, Hulu announced that Prey had the most-watched premiere in its history, racking up the most hours watched in its first three days of any TV series and movie offered on the platform. It remains to be seen whether Badlands will follow a similar release plan or whether it will be released theatrically.

In addition to his work on Badlands, Trachtenberg will also direct the fifth and final season of Stranger Things. Other credits include 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Boys pilot, and Black Mirror: Playtest.
We can say that the man still has a lot of strings to his bow. The first Predator film, directed by John McTiernan and released in 1987, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers and Jesse Ventura, spawned three sequels: Predator 2 (1990), Predators (2010) and The Predator (2018). The confirmation of this new project highlights 20th Century Studios’ continued interest in expanding the Predator franchise, although the company has chosen not to comment at this stage. At the same time, a Prey 2 film would also be in preparation… Which is 2 good news for fans.

For your part, what are you hoping for this new film?

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