Two new games will be officially optimized for the release of the PS5 Pro on November 7, 2024. You’ll see, it’s going to be a big hit at the end of the controller.
Unsurprisingly, the PS5 Pro has been talked about a lot since its official announcement. There is of course the pricing aspect, which once again opens the debate on the price of home consoles. But, the discussions regularly raise a point which could justify or not an investment beyond €800. This is another crucial point regarding this new machine from Sony: the onboard technology and the results it provides in games.
In fact, the interest of the PS5 Pro lies in the superior quality that it promises for games. Thanks to new tools, it would offer a smoother and more detailed rendering, provided you have the appropriate television of course. And to fully live the experience, several games will be optimized from the release of the console in November, including two new ones added to the list.
You will be able to nag even more beautifully on PS5 Pro
Rather than only benefiting future games to be released, the PlayStation 5 Pro will enhance games already released. But, to take full advantage of the console’s capabilities, they will need to be optimized. To recognize the games which have received a dedicated polishing, you will only have to locate the console pictogram accompanied by the words “ Improved for PS5 Pro » on the PS Store page of the games concerned.
But, to know if the investment in this machine is worth it, you have to see what its performance gives. In fact, for several weeks now, experts have been able to carry out comparisons with the standard model. Then, what will perhaps completely convince you are the games affected by these optimizations. And the two new ones on the list might please a lot of people. These are:
- God of War Ragnarok (Santa Monica Studio/SIE)
- The Callisto Protocol (Striking Distance / Krafton Inc.)
On the one hand, the God of War will boost his ax blows after a notable release on PC. On the other, survival horror Dead Space of Krafton perseveres despite its setbacks by offering a more solid version. The two titles thus join the list of around twenty games already announced as optimized for the release of the PS5 Pro on November 7, 2024.
Source: PlayStation Store.
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